Friday, October 21, 2011

Chapter 11: The Agricultural Core

San Francisco, Ca is considered to be part of the West Coast, because it is in the Western part of the United States.

The soil types as reported by USGS are:

Soil type AVs > 1500 m/secIncludes unweathered intrusive igneous rock. Occurs infrequently in the bay area. We consider it with type B (both A and B are represented by the color blue on the map). Soil types A and B do not contribute greatly to shaking amplification.
Soil type B1500 m/sec > Vs > 750 m/secIncludes volcanics, most Mesozoic bedrock, and some Franciscan bedrock. (Mesozoic rocks are between 245 and 64 million years old. The Franciscan Complex is a Mesozoic unit that is common in the Bay Area.)
Soil Type C750 m/sec > Vs > 350 m/secIncludes some Quaternary (less than 1.8 million years old) sands, sandstones and mudstones, some Upper Tertiary (1.8 to 24 million years old) sandstones, mudstones and limestone, some Lower Tertiary (24 to 64 million years old) mudstones and sandstones, and Franciscan melange and serpentinite.
Soil Type D350 m/sec > Vs > 200 m/secIncludes some Quaternary muds, sands, gravels, silts and mud. Significant amplification of shaking by these soils is generally expected.
Soil Type E200 m/sec > VsIncludes water-saturated mud and artificial fill. The strongest amplification of shaking due is expected for this soil type.

The soils of the Agricultural Core is mollisols and alfisols.  Mollisols form in semi-arid and semi-humid areas, typically under a grassland cover.  Alfisols, like mollisols, also form in semi-arid and semi-humid areas, but under a hardwood forest cover.  The soil type in the Bay Area does not include these two types of soil.  The climate does not accomodate to help form them. There aren't any farms in SF because it is a densely populated city along the bay.

Chapter 10: The Southern Coastlands: On the Subtropical Margin

San Francisco's climate is not considered to be subtropical, a lot of parts of southern California do have similar climates to the subtropical margin but that is not what this blog is about.

One item that California dominates is orange production. We make the most edible oranges, while Florida makes the most orange juice.

Sugarcane is another major production of Florida and Hawaii, but California has a part in it as well. The refinery at Crockett refines, packages, and markets all of the output from Hawaii's sugar factories.  The C&H stands for California and Hawaii.   

Florida has the most retired/elderly people living in its state. But California, specifically San Francisco will be seeing a rise as well.
As stated in California Department of Aging, The percentage increase of aged people in San Francisco will rise 50-149% from 1990-2020.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Chapter 9: The Changing South

San Francisco is very hard to compare to the changing south because they have a lot of differences, but they also do have some similarities.

San Francisco doesn't have any huge plantations but they surrounding areas are famous for some things, such as the  vineyards of Sonoma County, and the garlic of Gilroy, CA in Santa Clara County.  

In 1865 Amendment 13 was passed abolishing slavery, with that said Ca was not even a slavery state it was a free state.

The Great Migration was cause for black people to start migrating, it was estimated that 2 million blacks people migrated out of the south and into the west side of the US. Ca offered people a safe haven and assistance for people who needed it. What most likely attracted immigration to the bay are was that there were a lot of job opportunities, and the economy was diverse. 

Besides economic reasons, the bay area had very nice temperatures and was clean of dust bowls, the beach is a very tempting place to be close to.